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Enio Bueno Pereira

Enio Bueno Pereira     (Coordinator)

BS in Physics (USP, 1973) / MSc in Geophysics (USP, 1977) / PhD of Geosciences (Rice University, USA, 1980). Carried out postdoctoral internships in the United States, France and Germany.

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Senior Researcher of the National Institute for Space Research, held various management positions in this institution. Currently coordinates the Laboratory of Modeling and Studies on Renewable Energy Resources of the Earth System Science Center. CNPq level 1 researcher. Published more than 180 national and international scientific articles and eight books. Reviewer of various international and national journals in the areas of Global Climate Change, Renewable Energies and Applied Meteorology. Ad-hoc advisor to FAPESP, CAPES, CNPq and FAPESB. Leads several projects and R & D agreements with national and international funding. Belongs to the graduate faculty of Meteorology and the course of Earth System Science, both at INPE.

André Rodrigues Gonçalves

André Rodrigues Gonçalves

BS in Aeronautical Engineering (USP, 2006) / MSc in Meteorology (INPE, 2011) / PhD of Earth System Science (INPE, 2021).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Observational studies of variability and anthropogenic impacts on renewable energy resources. Atmospheric modeling applied to the Brazilian wind sector. Collection, training and dissemination of observational data of renewable energy resources.

Fernando Ramos Martins

Fernando Ramos Martins

BS in Physics (USP, 1986) / MSc in Nuclear Technology (USP, 1992) / PhD of Space Geophysics (INPE, 2001).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Numerical modeling, renewable energy, remote sensing, geographic information systems and applications of electromagnetic radiation in radiology technology.

Francisco José Lopes de Lima

Francisco José Lopes de Lima

BS in Physics (UECE, 2008) / MSc in Meteorology (UFCG, 2011) / PhD of Meteorology (INPE, 2015).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Atmospheric modeling for renewable energy resources assessment, mainly in the following themes: solar, wind and numerical modeling of mesoscale, statistical models, artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression.

Gilberto Fisch

Gilberto Fisch

BS in Meteorology (USP, 1981) / MSc in Meteorology (USP, 1986) / PhD of Meteorology (INPE, 1995). He carried out training at Pennsylvania State University (Dec/2018 to Mar/2019).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Geosciences, with emphasis on Meteorology, acting mainly on the following themes: Amazonia, planetary boundary layer, climate, forest and pasture, radiosounding, micrometeorology, water cycle, atmospheric modeling, wind profile, aerospace meteorology. Professor responsible for the Planetary Boundary Layer and Micrometeorology disciplines of the Master's and Doctorate Program in Meteorology of INPE.

Hallan Souza de Jesus

Hallan Souza de Jesus

Full Degree in Physics (UEMS, 2012) / MSc in Meteorology (INPE, 2015) / PhD in Meteorology (INPE, 2023).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Computer modeling of radiation transfer in the atmosphere. His main areas of expertise are: estimation of solar/ultraviolet radiation at the surface, modeling the interaction of solar radiation and clouds, application of meteorological remote sensing and simulation with the sbdart and libRadtran codes.

Marcelo Pizzuti Pes

Marcelo Pizzuti Pes

BS in Physics (UFSM, 2007) / MSc in Meteorology (INPE, 2009) / PhD of Earth System Science (INPE, 2015).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Development and implementation of quality control testing for the SONDA network data. Validation of BRAZIL-SR model. Survey and studies of the variability of the solar and wind energy resources.

Ricardo Almeira de Siqueira

Ricardo Almeira de Siqueira

BSc in Meteorology (USP, 2005) / MSc in Meteorology (USP, 2008) / PhD in Earth System Science (INPE 2016).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Geosciences, with an emphasis on Physical Meteorology, having worked mainly with the following subjects: solar radiation, remote sensing, atmospheric aerosols, fires in the Amazon, atmospheric modeling, satellite precipitation estimation.

Rodrigo Santos Costa

Rodrigo Santos Costa

BS in Meteorology (UFAL, 2003) / MSc in Atmospheric Sciences in Engineering (COPPE/UFRJ, 2006) / PhD of Meteorology (INPE, 2012).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Atmospheric modeling, computational modeling, energy meteorology, renewable energy sources, applied meteorology and meteo-oceanography, working mainly on the following topics: energy, solar radiation, solar energy, atmospheric aerosols, mesoscale meteorology, climatology, micrometeorology and physical oceanography.

Eduardo Weide Luiz

Eduardo Weide Luiz

BS in Meteorology (UFSM, 2011) / MSc in Meteorology (INPE, 2014) / PhD of Earth System Science (INPE, 2018).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Renewable energy resources, meteorological instrumentation, cloudiness and radiative transfer in the earth-atmosphere system.

Érica Ferraz de Campos

Érica Ferraz de Campos

Graduated of Architecture and Urbanism (USP, 2003) / Specialization of Environmental Management (Unicamp, 2008) / MSc in Civil Engineering (USP, 2012) / PhD of Earth System Science (INPE, 2021).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Analysis of technologies for solar energy generation for local use in the São Francisco River Basin by NEXUS approach to water, energy and food.

Fabiana Lourenço e Silva Ferreira

Fabiana Lourenço e Silva Ferreira

PhD in Earth System Sciences, by the Division of Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerabilities (DIIAV/INPE, 2020). PhD research project developed at LABREN. Post-doctorate in the IEA USP Global Cities Program (in progress) / Master in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (POLI-USP, 2003) / Architect and Urban Planner, Catholic University of Campinas (PUCCAMP, 1992).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Interdisciplinary research, spatial models, urban policy and indicators for Smart, Resilient and Sustainable Cities. Member of the technical chamber of the Urban Development Council (CMDU) of São José dos Campos - SP - Brazil.

Gerson Máximo Tiepolo

Gerson Máximo Tiepolo

BS in Electrical Engineering (UTFPR, 1990) / Post-Graduation of Maintenance Management (UTFPR, 1994) and Quality and Productivity Management (UFPR, 2000) / MSc in Production Engineering and Systems (PUCPR, 2005) / PhD of Engineering Production and Systems (PUCPR, 2015).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Renewable sources of energy, solar energy, solar radiation, photovoltaic systems, energy planning. Professor at UTFPR since 1995 working in the Electrical Engineering and Control and Automation courses, EAD in Logistics and Post-Graduation in Renewable Energies. Researcher at the Nucleus of Research in Energy: Public Policies, Finance & Technology, Nucleus of Management of Technology and Innovation, Post-Graduation Program in Energy Systems (PPGSE / UTFPR). Coordinator of the Solar Energy Laboratory (LABENS / UTFPR) and Leader of the Research Group on Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Systems (UTFPR), where he develops research on solar radiation and photovoltaic potential together with LABREN. Reviewer of articles in the area of energy.

Guilherme Marques Neves

Guilherme Marques Neves

BS in Metallurgical Engineering (UFF, 2013) / MSc in Engineering and Space Technologies (INPE, 2016) / PhD of Engineering and Space Technologies (INPE, 2022).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Materials Sciences and Sensors, developing research in the field of solar energy, specifically in the evaluation of the performance of photovoltaic modules in the field.

Helvécio Bezerra Leal Neto

Helvécio Bezerra Leal Neto

Technologist in Computer Networks (IESPES, 2013) / BS in Computer Science (UFOPA, 2018) / MSc in Applied Computing (INPE, 2021).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Environmental Monitoring, Automatic Systems for tracking and forecasting storms in the very short term (Nowcasting) and Computer Networks. He works on the development of tools for formatting and qualifying observational data from the SONDA network and on algorithms for environmental data processing.

Jefferson Gonçalves de Souza

Jefferson Gonçalves de Souza

BS in Scientific Computing (UNITAU, 2008) / MSc in Applied Computing (INPE, 2019).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Development of computer codes for manipulation and organization of satellite data base and improvement of the Brazil-SR model. Control and archiving of the satellite images of the model input database and its rounds in its various configurations.

José Celso Thomaz Júnior

José Celso Thomaz Júnior

Degree in Physics (UNESP-Rio Claro, 1985)/ MSc in Sciences (ITA, 1989) / PhD of Physics (Université Paris XI, 1995).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Responsible for implementing procedures for supervising and management of the instrumentation used in the SONDA network stations and the logistics of field operations. Responsible for Meteorological Instrumentation Laboratory (LIM).

Madeleine Sánchez Gácita Casagrande

Madeleine Sánchez Gácita Casagrande

BS in Physics (University of Havana, 2002, revalidated by UNICAMP in 2017) / MSc in Meteorology (INPE, 2011) / PhD of Meteorology (INPE, 2016).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Atmospheric modeling, numerical modeling of physical and chemical processes in the troposphere, including emission and dispersion of pollutants, chemical gas transformations, dry and wet deposition of gases and aerosols, and activity as CCN of atmospheric aerosols. She has acted mainly in the following subjects: environmental meteorology, atmospheric aerosols, impact of the burnings in South America, environmental impact of energy generation with fossil fuels.

Maria Francisca Azeredo Velloso

Maria Francisca Azeredo Velloso

BS in Meteorology (UFRJ, 2004) / MSc in Mechanical Engineering (UFRJ, 2007) / PhD of Earth System Science (INPE, 2017).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Possibility of Hydro-Solar Hybrid Generation in the São Francisco Basin.

Ricardo Rüther

Ricardo Rüther

BS in Metallurgical Engineering (UFRGS, 1989) / MSc in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (UFRGS, 1991) / PhD of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (University of Western Australia, 1995). He completed post-doctoral internships in Germany (1995-1996) and Australia (2011-2012).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Founder and Coordinator of the Solar Energy Research and Training Center of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), where he is Professor. Researcher level 1 of CNPq. Director of the Institute for the Development of Alternative Energies in Latin America (IDEAL). Founder and First President of the Brazilian Section of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). Coordinates research projects and guides PhD students, masters and scientific initiation in the areas of photovoltaic solar generation, solarimetry, energy storage and electric vehicles.

Samuel Luna de Abreu

Samuel Luna de Abreu

BS in Mechanical Engineering (UFSC, 1992) / MSc in Mechanical Engineering (UFSC, 1995) / PhD of Mechanical Engineering (UFSC, 2003). He completed post-doctoral internships at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (Germany) and at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Associate Professor at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC), where he works in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning area. Coordinator of the IFSC's Alternative Energies Group, with an extensive list of publications focused primarily on thermal applications of solar energy and study of the solar energy resource. He was president of the Brazilian Solar Energy Association (ABENS) (2011-2013) and Brazilian representative on the board of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). He also works as a collaborating researcher for laboratories such as LABREN / INPE, Lepten / Labsolar-UFSC and Photovoltaica / UFSC, as well as research networks such as the National Institute of Science and Technology of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency of the Amazon.

Sylvio Luiz Mantelli Neto

Sylvio Luiz Mantelli Neto

BS in Electrical-electronics Engineering (FATEC-São José dos Campos, 1986) / Graduate Program of Computer Engineering (Waterloo University, Canadá, 1994) / MSc in Computer Science (UFSC, 2000) / PhD of Engineering and Knowledge Management (UFSC, 2010).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Works in field instrumentation, measuring stations projects and climate monitoring networks for solar, wind, climate, energy, image processing, multivariate statistical methods for identifying patterns and computational intelligence.

Antonio Maurício Zarzur

Antonio Maurício Zarzur

BS in Scientific Computing (UNITAU, 2011) / MSc in Applied Computing (INPE, 2018) / PhD of Earth System Science (INPE, in progress).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Scientific computing, numerical modeling, computer simulations, computational fluid dynamics, high performance processing.

Felipe Husadel Poyer

Felipe Husadel Poyer

Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC - 2010) / Degree in Energy Systems from the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC - 2015) / MSc in Natural Disasters from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC - 2018) / PhD in Earth System Sciences from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE, in progress).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Planning, Energy Transition, Climate Change, Electricity Sector.

Meiriele Alvarenga Cumplido

Meiriele Alvarenga Cumplido

BS in Mechanical Engineering (UFV, 2012) / MSc in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (ITA, 2015) / PhD of Earth System Sciences (INPE, in progress).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Energy from Renewable Sources - development of a mechanism to introduce renewable energy into the Brazilian energy system.

Paula Conde Santos Borba

Paula Conde Santos Borba

Post-doctoral student at the National Institute for Space Research, in the Laboratory for Modeling and Studies of Renewable Energy Resources (INPE, in progress) / Direct doctorate in Civil Engineering from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics and sandwich doctorate at the Technische Universiteit Delft, in the Netherlands / Civil Engineer from the State University of Londrina (2016), also has a sandwich degree (through the Science without Borders program) from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, in Germany (2015).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Modeling renewable energy systems, linear optimization, remote sensing and data analysis of renewable resources.

Vinicius Roggério da Rocha

Vinicius Roggério da Rocha

BS in Physics (IF-USP, 2008) / MSc in Meteorology (IAG-USP, 2011) / PhD of Earth System Science (INPE, in progress).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Remote sensing, atmospheric modeling, renewable energies (solar), cloudiness (influence on surface solar energy), statistical models, machine learning.

Guilherme Bággio M. Machado

Guilherme Bággio M. Machado

BS in Electrical Engineering (INATEL, 2014).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Collaborator dedicated to the standardization of processes and systems, maintenance of sensors and telemetry equipment, automation and optimization of the SONDA network.

Silvia Vitorino Pereira

Silvia Vitorino Pereira

BS in Industrial Design (FEBASP, 1997).

See Lattes Curriculum

Area of expertise: Collaborator of the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) since 2002, she is a specialist in Geographic Information Systems, with extensive experience in book publishing, elaboration of maps, illustrations and scientific infographics. Participated in extensive national and international projects such as the SONDA, PETROBRAS and SWERA Projects. She also acts in the formatting, qualification and dissemination of solarimetric and anemometric observational data and in the development and maintenance of the websites of LABREN and the SONDA network.


INPE - National Institute for Space Research / DIIAV - Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability Division


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